(See Bond’ | Fetter)…

…Dreaming of ironing, denotes domestic comforts and orderly business. If a woman dreams that she burns her hands while ironing, it foretells she will have illness or jealousy to disturb her peace. If she scorches the clothes, she will have a rival who will cause her much displeasure and suspicions. If the irons seem too cold, she will lack affection in her home….

Andirons seen in a dream, denotes good will among friends, if the irons support burning logs | if they are in an empty fireplace, loss of property and death are signified.

The person who irons will have the possibility of having fatal mistakes, if he/she does not put more attention to his/her acts or work.

…(Bond | Shackle) To see one’s feet put in irons or fettered in a dream represents evil people, or it could mean travels or leaving one’s homeland. (Also see Bond’)…